Friday, February 1, 2013

Rumours On Tomorrow's Video Game News Headlines

Trying to work out what the next big gaming news headline will be is a tough ask. While it might raise a few ethical quandaries, speculation is totally innocuous if it's done without collecting any outside information. People who play video games are always on the lookout for video game news and like to guess when big titles will be released.
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Media properties usually make rewarding video games. Game commentators and critics may turn their nose at such games, but their opinions may be biased. Games of this nature are usually aimed at consumers who are followers of the series itself. It might seem safe to suggest that media tie-in games will continue to be quite popular.

Is another Avatar game on the cards?

When video game news websites talk about Avatar, may people often will find the term itself confusing. In this case, though, it refers to the Last Airbender, when Avatar: Legends of the Arena was released in 2008, it became a popular MMORPG. Airbender video games have done extremely well on the market. There is no doubt that video games based on the Airbender theme have been popular with consumers. There was even an Avatar roller coaster. With the Legend of Korra making its way into mainstream headlines, it could very well end up on the pages of video gaming news sites.
What will become of Monsuno: World Master?
Monsuno is likely to be named the next Bakugan. Several video gaming news reporters may have noticed a low-key release of a Monsuno flash game. Since there have been a number of Bakugan video games, it would make sense for developers to pick the game up and release a larger-scale version. Nothing has been suggested yet, but some programmers might end up basing a Monsuno game around the usual trading card simulation. Even though some video game news sites have been unkind to these games, some of them actually sell quite well. Even series one might not expect to become a trading card simulation end up as one. Fullmetal Alchemist had an outing on the Nintendo DS, for instance.
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Will Jump Super Stars be released in English outside of Japan?
Video game news sites would certainly be buzzing with excitement if fights between Gintoki Sakata and Son Goku were possible Licensing issues make distribution of this type of game outside of Japan a nightmare. Licensing issues make distribution of this type of game outside of Japan a nightmare. However, there have been a few releases that suggest at least a glimmer of hope. Tommo distributed the game to a few North American retailers. Anyone working in the gaming news industry would jump at the chance to cover a genuine North American edition.